These were taken at 11 weeks and 1 day. The baby is measuring a week ahead (that's the 12w1d measurement), so it looks like we're on track for another large baby! I suppose that we just make big babies.
Doc said the baby's looking "great" and moving a lot, which is good. It was quiet at first, but then she poked at it a bit, and it really responded. It started stretching limbs and rolling around. The funny part was it did the same thing Jeffery did at this point when we were having a sonogram with him. When the doctor got a good front view, it rolled over and turned its back toward us! I think our kids are fond of their sleep!
All in all, we're doing well. Morning sickness is tapering off now, and I'm beginning to feel some weight gain in the midsection. Given that I've lost about 6-7 pounds now, there's no real baby bump yet, but it's definitely coming. It's starting to poke out every morning now when I wake up. I'm definitely out of my regular jeans, so it won't be long before I break back into the maternity clothes.
Our next appointment is at the first of January, and then we'll schedule our big ultrasound for later in January, so be ready for several pictures then! For now, here's the three we were able to get.