Monday, September 28, 2009

Jeffery's Birthday photos and details!

Since we couldn't have the big birthday bash with family/friends, here's a recap of Jeffery's day:

Such a tall boy (no idea where he gets that, by the way)

Playing with the See and Say Mom and Dad got him (he didn't really care for the Jack in the Box, apparently that needs to wait a few months)

He loves to ham it up for the camera, but you have to be quick or he starts walking toward you

Mom making his cake

Chilling on the couch, watching football with Dad, while Mom decorates his cake

He caught me!

It's been a while, but I remembered how to decorate a cake

The finished product

Dad teaching him early

"Why's Mom got the camera for this?"

"Oh Wow! Maybe I like that!"

"What is this?"

"This isn't bad stuff!"

He didn't want to get his fingers dirty at first

"That's really good!"

Rockin' his new UT jersey from Grammy and Granddaddy P!

"I know I'm cute!"

Daddy's proud of his little Volunteer!

UT Football, here I come!

"Oh, I'm supposed to hold onto it?"

UT's quarterback for the 2026 year!

Finally figured out how to pick it up

"Mom, it's messy!"

"Eh, who cares? I'll just lick it off my arm!"


Jeffery had a great day, and thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! There will be more pictures of his new toys in the days to come. And I will try to upload a video or two of his day as soon as I can.

It was a bittersweet day for Neal and me, as we were constantly reminding each other where we were, and what we were doing this time last year. It was a memorable day for sure, as well as a very special one. We just can't believe how fast this past year has gone!

One good part of that, however, is that we are that much closer to coming home! We will keep you all updated on our next set of orders, which should be determined in the next couple of weeks at most.

We love you all!

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